ESSAY 3D Kinetic public Art Installation
<<BACKPOPPY FIELD • a kinetic public art installation
Brenda Heim, Abstract Artist & Doug Hays, Sculptor
designed for exterior environments...poppy field is a collaboration between abstract artist Brenda Heim and sculptor Doug Hays. Visualized en masse (300 pieces) for green spaces and community areas, poppy field creates the impression of an expansive field of flowers. Depending on the site, poppies can be arranged to match scale of the landscape using forced perspective to increase the perceived size of the poppy field.
the installation offers a playful moment either viewing from afar or interacting with the pieces directly. The poppies engage, inspire and delight all ages, provoking smiles without interpretation. A memorable landmark. Visually engaging. Imaginative. Light hearted, contemporary art.
Potential disadvantages:
people will have fun...they will frolic and no work will get done.
mild steel, primed and painted with an exterior grade enamel. Children, animal, and earth friendly. The ease of installation facilitates their suitability to varied sites and are designed to be transported and installed quickly.
height ranges 3’- 8’. The round poppy disc averages 6 - 8” diameter.
Possible installation sites:
green spaces, vacant urban lots, healthcare environments, public art sites, farmlands, galleries, museums.
Concept and design:
Spring 2007, the poppy field vision emerged as Heim’s signature “orange/red dot” (a tiny dot often found in her 2D work) landed on the drawing table at Doug’s studio—he turned the dot into a life size kinetic sculpture and the concept of duplicating for a poppy field was realized.
Collaborators for twenty+ years, Heim and Hays continue to work together on special client projects in addition to their individual work. For more information or to discuss a collaborative idea contact Brenda at The Studio 352-357-4838.
©poppyfield, Brenda Heim, Doug Hays, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PHOTO credit Mark Bebermeyer
POPPY FIELD • a kinetic public art installation
Brenda Heim, Abstract Artist & Doug Hays, Sculptor
designed for exterior environments...poppy field is a collaboration between abstract artist Brenda Heim and sculptor Doug Hays. Visualized en masse (300 pieces) for community areas, poppy field creates the impression of an expansive field of flowers. Depending on the site, poppies can be arranged to match scale of the landscape using forced perspective to increase the perceived size of the poppy field.
the installation offers a playful moment either viewing from afar or interacting with the pieces directly. The poppies engage, inspire and delight all ages, provoking smiles without interpretation. A memorable landmark. Visually engaging. Imaginative. Light hearted, contemporary art.
Potential disadvantages:
people will have fun...they will frolic and no work will get done.
mild steel, primed and painted with an exterior grade enamel. Children, animal, and earth friendly. The ease of installation facilitates their suitability for varied sites and are designed to be transported and installed quickly.
height ranges 3’- 8’. The round poppy disc averages 6 - 8” diameter.
Possible installation sites:
green spaces, vacant urban lots, healthcare environments, public art sites, farmlands, galleries, museums.
Concept and design:
Spring 2007, the poppy field vision emerged as Heim’s signature “orange/red dot” (a tiny dot often found in her 2D work) landed on the drawing table at Doug’s studio—he turned the dot into a life size kinetic sculpture and the concept of duplicating for a poppy field was realized.
Collaborators for twenty+ years, Heim and Hays continue to work together on special client projects in addition to their individual work. For more information or to discuss a collaborative idea contact Brenda at The Studio 352-357-4838.
©poppyfield, Brenda Heim, Doug Hays, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PHOTO credit Mark Bebermeyer